MEET ...


On the banks of the Seine, Sybille draws, writes and brings her pretty handmade stationery creations to life.
Influenced both by her emotions but also by the world around her, she works with respect for time and emotions,

guided by a rare gentleness. She tells us about her desire to offer unique creations and gives us her inspirations.

Meeting with the creator of the Papillonnage brand

Who is behind Papillonnage?

My name is Sibylle, I live in Paris on the banks of the Seine. I have two very big boys, Emile and Romeo, a cat, a dog, and quite a few plants. I created Papillonnage over ten years ago now.

What do you want with Papillonnage?

I started writing and drawing on a blog in June 2009. As a result, gradually and without having planned it, my stationery brand Papillonnage was born. I make all my creations by hand. They are then reproduced in postcards, calendars, notepads, notebooks... I also sometimes publish slightly longer texts, mixing in photos and collages. I take care of everything in the running of my small business, which is a lot of work, from creation to distribution. For several years, Caroline has helped me prepare orders.

What are your inspirations?

When it comes to writing, I mainly draw inspiration from my emotions, I try to write them as simply as possible. I like to explore the feeling of love, melancholy, my various questions about the daily life of our lives. For designs, nature inspires me, a twig, a flower, a bouquet, but also shoes, a chair, a chandelier, a blouse…. Inspiration is everywhere, it cannot be controlled and can even escape us sometimes. I also draw inspiration from the people I admire, the books I read, the shows, the exhibitions, the travels, the people I meet… The inspiration is endless.
It is at once dizzying, oppressive and reassuring.

What is your favorite product?

The bookmark calendar is one of my most popular creations. I'm on the 12th edition. Its twelve bookmarks each consist of a drawing and a short sentence. It accompanies people in their reading, throughout the year. Each bookmark can be scattered in one way or another in every room of the house, in a pocket, in a bag, on the desk. We can hang them up, place them on a shelf or forget them in a book of course, then find them again... I can write a little more there than on a card, a little differently too, my sentences touch my readers (or my rare readers ) and they tell me. It reassures me to know that it comes back every year at the same time, and that it is eagerly awaited.

New projects soon?

New cards have recently been released. I go out twice a year, it's a lot to maintain this rhythm. I would like to exhibit some original drawings, small boxes and other creations before the end of the year, I just need to find some time to devote to it!

What is your favorite room in the house?

I don't particularly have a favorite room, what matters to me is the light. I feel good when she is present, when she comes into the room, especially in the morning. I then like to follow her throughout the day, when she moves around. And in the evening I like to find my nest bed, perched, my flowered sheets, my books and the paintings that surround it.

What is your guilty pleasure in decoration?

I like small objects, I have them everywhere around me. I also like treating myself to drawings, photos, watercolors, ceramics... There are so many talented artists!

Tell us about your latest decorative purchase?

I treated myself to a vase-bust created by Cathy from Atelier des roseaux which I completely fell in love with. I find it soft, sober and beautiful. At the same time, I also found a watercolor whose colors soothe me.